🏷️ Lux 是一个用 Go 构建的跨平台快速简单的视频下载器。

🚨 项目来源


💡 项目特性

•支持 Windows MacOS Linux
•支持附加 Cookie 和代理

🚩 支持平台


优酷的 ccode经常变化导致 lux 不可用,如果你知道有新的可用的 ccode,可以直接使用lux -ccode ... 而不用等待 lux 更新(当然,也欢迎你给我们提一个 Pull request 来更新默认的 ccode
最好是每次下载都附带登录过的 Cookie 以避免部分ccode的问题.

站点 网址 🎬 Videos 🌁 Images 🔊 Audio 📚 Playlist 🍪 VIP adaptation
抖音 https://www.douyin.com
哔哩哔哩 https://www.bilibili.com
半次元 https://bcy.net
pixivision https://www.pixivision.net
优酷 https://www.youku.com
YouTube https://www.youtube.com
西瓜视频(头条) https://m.toutiao.com , https://v.ixigua.com , https://www.ixigua.com
爱奇艺 https://www.iqiyi.com
新片场 https://www.xinpianchang.com
芒果 TV https://www.mgtv.com
糖豆广场舞 https://www.tangdou.com
Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com
Vimeo https://vimeo.com
Facebook https://facebook.com
斗鱼视频 https://v.douyu.com
秒拍 https://www.miaopai.com
微博 https://weibo.com
Instagram https://www.instagram.com
Twitter https://twitter.com
腾讯视频 https://v.qq.com
网易云音乐 https://music.163.com
音悦台 https://yinyuetai.com
极客时间 https://time.geekbang.org
聯合新聞網 https://udn.com
TikTok https://www.tiktok.com
好看视频 https://haokan.baidu.com
AcFun https://www.acfun.cn
Eporner https://eporner.com
StreamTape https://streamtape.com
虎扑 https://hupu.com
虎牙视频 https://v.huya.com
喜马拉雅 https://www.ximalaya.com
快手 https://www.kuaishou.com
Reddit https://www.reddit.com
VKontakte https://vk.com

🧿 软件下载


🔗附件 :lux_0.15.0_Windows_64-bit.rar
⛅链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18ZhYcxaPB8NNi1mtlTJvWA?pwd=yr9b 提取码:yr9b

🛠️ 实际操作

  • 测试环境:Windows
  1. FFmpeg Builds 下载压缩包,将其中 bin/ffmpeg.exe 解压出来备用
  2. 打开lux Releases

之后将 ffmpeg.exe 复制到和 lux_0.15.0_Windows_64-bit 同一目录下

  1. lux_0.15.0_Windows_64-bit 目录下输入 “cmd” 回车

  1. 会在当前目录打开 命令提示符 对话框

  1. 输入命令 lux --help 查看格式说明

  1. 打开一个要下载视频的平台
  • 比如:爱奇艺


  1. CMD 命令提示符 下输入下载视频格式即可

格式: lux “视频地址”
例子: luxhttps://www.iqiyi.com/v_1aopfcjs1w8.html?vfrm=pcw_home&vfrmblk=712211_cainizaizhui&vfrmrst=712211_cainizaizhui_image2

  1. 下载完成后会自动保存文件到 lux 程序目录下

🔥 进阶使用

1. 视频下载

$ lux “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
Site: YouTube youtube.com
Title: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)
Type: video
[248] ——————-
Quality: 1080p video/webm; codecs=”vp9”
Size: 63.93 MiB (67038963 Bytes)

download with: lux -f 248 …

41.88 MiB / 63.93 MiB [=================>————-] 65.51% 4.22 MiB/s 00m05s

The i option displays all available quality of video without downloading.

$ lux -i “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
Site: YouTube youtube.com
Title: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Video)
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[248] ——————-
Quality: 1080p video/webm; codecs=”vp9”
Size: 49.29 MiB (51687554 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f 248 …

[137] ——————-
Quality: 1080p video/mp4; codecs=”avc1.640028”
Size: 43.45 MiB (45564306 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f 137 …

[398] ——————-
Quality: 720p video/mp4; codecs=”av01.0.05M.08”
Size: 37.12 MiB (38926432 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f 398 …

[136] ——————-
Quality: 720p video/mp4; codecs=”avc1.4d401f”
Size: 31.34 MiB (32867324 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f 136 …

[247] ——————-
Quality: 720p video/webm; codecs=”vp9”
Size: 31.03 MiB (32536181 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f 247 …

Use lux -f stream "URL" to download a specific stream listed in the output of i option.

2. 其他下载

If Lux is provided the URL of a specific resource, then it will be downloaded directly:

$ lux “https://img9.bcyimg.com/drawer/15294/post/1799t/1f5a87801a0711e898b12b640777720f.jpg"
lux doesn’t support this URL right now, but it will try to download it directly
Site: Universal
Title: 1f5a87801a0711e898b12b640777720f
Type: image/jpeg
[default] ——————-
Size: 1.00 MiB (1051042 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

1.00 MiB / 1.00 MiB [===================================] 100.00% 1.21 MiB/s 0s

3. 播放列表下载

The -p option downloads an entire playlist instead of a single video.

$ lux -i -p “https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep198061"
Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: Doctor X 第四季:第一集
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 845.66 MiB (886738354 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: Doctor X 第四季:第二集
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 930.71 MiB (975919195 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”


You can use the -start, -end or -items option to specify the download range of the list:

Playlist video to start at (default 1)
Playlist video to end at
Playlist video items to download. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10

For bilibili playlists only:

File name of each bilibili episode doesn’t include the playlist title

4. 批量下载

You can also download multiple URLs at once:

$ lux -i “https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21877586"https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21990740"
Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: 【莓机会了】甜到虐哭的13集单集MAD「我现在什么都不想干,更不想看14集」
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 51.88 MiB (54403767 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: 【莓救了】甜到虐哭!!!国家队单集MAD-当熟悉的bgm响起,眼泪从脸颊滑下
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 77.63 MiB (81404093 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

These URLs will be downloaded one by one.
You can also use the -F option to read URLs from file:

$ lux -F ~/Desktop/u.txt
Site: 微博 weibo.com
Title: 在Google,我们设计什么? via@阑夕
Type: video
[default] ——————-
Size: 19.19 MiB (20118196 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

19.19 MiB / 19.19 MiB [=================================] 100.00% 9.69 MiB/s 1s

You can use the -start, -end or -items option to specify the download range of the list:

File line to start at (default 1)
File line to end at
File lines to download. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10

5. B站ep、av号下载

使用b站的 epav 来下载视频
⁉️ 科普:B站不但有av号和bv号,竟然还有mc号、ep号?

$ lux -i ep198381 av21877586
Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: 狐妖小红娘:第79话 南国公主的吃货本色
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 485.23 MiB (508798478 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

Site: 哔哩哔哩 bilibili.com
Title: 【莓机会了】甜到虐哭的13集单集MAD「我现在什么都不想干,更不想看14集」
Type: video
Streams: # All available quality
[default] ——————-
Quality: 高清 1080P
Size: 51.88 MiB (54403767 Bytes)

#download with: lux -f default “URL”

6. 关联

各平台下载 网站